Sunday, October 28, 2012

More Geocaching in Florida

Todays photos come from another Geocaching adventure in East Orange County just northeast of St. Cloud, FL. Along Nova Rd is a Geocaching power run (a large number of caches hidden just beyond the 510' limit to maximize number of finds) called the Good vs Evil series. Each geocache is named after either a hero or villain. This particular geocache was the Green Goblin

Hidden just across the ditch with almost a foot of water. Fortunately, there was a narrow trunk laying across. The trunk had a line of fire ants crossing over as well. So I made my way across to the tree only to find an empty broken zip tie. No cache container. Loked around in the water, nothing. Then I spotted just above the water line near the base of the tree and the grass. The log inside was soaked and dripping with water. I tried to get the lid on tight, but without success. I tied it back up to the tree as best I could and made my way back across the trunk. Woops! Almost took a muddy bath! Back to the Jeep and off to the next one.

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