Friday, February 10, 2012

WARNING: Dirty Kitchens in Clean Restaurants

Remember the old saying: "You can tell if a restaurants kitchen is clean by the looks of its restrooms." Well throw that one out the door! I took these dirty kitchen pictures recently in a rather nice restaurant. If you walked into the front door, you'd be impressed with the dinning room of this slightly upscale restaurant. Possibly even make reservations for a romantic dinner for two. But wait, check out the bathroom first to get insight on cleanliness and find a spotless place to freshen up. Everything looks good right. But hey, why not take steal a sneak peek into the kitchen. At first glance the floors are clean, counters clean, everything looks good. Right? NOT!

But see, my job requires me to get an even closer look usually on my hands and knees, underneath the grilles, counters and other kitchen equipment. Yes down there where they usually don't clean because it's too easy to hide. So just a warning to ya, just because it looks clean doesn't mean it is clean! Kinda makes you want to eat at home more often.

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