Monday, May 9, 2011

Holy Bat Cave! It's A Bat RESORT!!

Another of my photographs which came during a Geocaching search. Here's the story behind this unique landmark:

Richter Clyde Perky had an idea. A grand idea that just didn't work out. In 1929, following the opening of Flager's railroad, Mr. Perky bought 25,000 acres on Sugarloaf Key. He knew the railroad would draw tourists to the Keys but that the horrendous mosquito population might be a deterrent. That's when Mr. Perky had his brainstorm. He would build a 30 foot tower that would draw thousands of bats to his island, thus eliminating the mosquitoes (see, bats eat mosquitoes). Great Idea! He sent away for the plans to build his tower and hired Fred Johnson to do the construction. The tower would even have a chute down the middle to be used for collecting guana - a valuable fertilizer. Well, the tower was built and filled with a "secret bat bait" that was sure to lure the bats. Mr. Perky waited...and waited...the bats never came.

This interesting bit of local history has withstood the ravages of time, sea air, vandals and hurricanes. Made of Dade County Pine, it's sure to last many more years as long as development stays away. "dedicated to good health at Perky, Florida".


  1. That's a neat bat house, too bad the bats never came. I think I need a bat house in my back yard to eat those pesky mosquitoes.

  2. We have a MUCH smaller home for bats in our back yard. It is fun to watch them emerge at dusk and zip around eating bugs.
