Sunday, May 22, 2011

Can I Quote You On That #4

Out on a geocaching hike one day and came across this pair of trees. Many thoughts came to mind; an arguing couple or the good and the bad. Seemingly started their growth about the same time. One grows straight up and the other takes a detour. So what do you think? What are these trees saying to you?

Sunday, May 15, 2011

City Lights Around Orlando Florida

So I might be biased. I was born and raised right here in Orlando, Florida. However I have been to hundreds of cities around the country. I would also have to say that I think Orlando is in one of the top 10 photographic cities, especially at night. Here are some that I took a few years ago:

The view from across Lake Ivanhoe. The white building in the center is the courthouse.

Looking across Orlando's picturesque Lake Eola.

Another view across Lake Eola.

Another side of Lake Eola.

The signature Lake Eola Fountain, the centerpiece of Orlando.

What Am I? The Answer Is:

After several interesting answers, we actually had a winner! Tinker came up with caterpillar and wins the non-prize prize! Actually it's called a Tomato Hornworm which I found in the garden on my tomato plants eating up the leaves! Needless to say I quickly disposed of it after taking the photo's.

What Am I?

OK, I'm trying a new series of photos. Here's a partial up-close view of a photograph I took. I'll give ya few days to leave your comments in the box below, unless someone gives the correct answer. If no one has guessed correctly, I'll post the whole photograph so you can say "Ahhhh!!" So I ask you: What am I?

Monday, May 9, 2011

Holy Bat Cave! It's A Bat RESORT!!

Another of my photographs which came during a Geocaching search. Here's the story behind this unique landmark:

Richter Clyde Perky had an idea. A grand idea that just didn't work out. In 1929, following the opening of Flager's railroad, Mr. Perky bought 25,000 acres on Sugarloaf Key. He knew the railroad would draw tourists to the Keys but that the horrendous mosquito population might be a deterrent. That's when Mr. Perky had his brainstorm. He would build a 30 foot tower that would draw thousands of bats to his island, thus eliminating the mosquitoes (see, bats eat mosquitoes). Great Idea! He sent away for the plans to build his tower and hired Fred Johnson to do the construction. The tower would even have a chute down the middle to be used for collecting guana - a valuable fertilizer. Well, the tower was built and filled with a "secret bat bait" that was sure to lure the bats. Mr. Perky waited...and waited...the bats never came.

This interesting bit of local history has withstood the ravages of time, sea air, vandals and hurricanes. Made of Dade County Pine, it's sure to last many more years as long as development stays away. "dedicated to good health at Perky, Florida".

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Can I Quote You On That? #3

As some of you may know, I like the hobby of Geocaching. It can take you to some great places and to see some great things. But sometimes they just take you to a walk in the woods. But out in the woods you can also find that God has a sense of humor within His creation. Take for instance this tree stump we came across while Geocaching in Wekiva State Park in Central Florida. We were hiking the trails and saw this tree stump staring back at us. I just had to laugh. So if trees could talk, what would this one be saying to you?

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Wishing I Was Here Again!

After a 12 Hour work day today, I was wishing to be back here. The view we had just before sunrise from our little bungalow on Grassy Key, Florida back in 2009 on our first anniversary.

The sun is almost here!

Our God paints a pretty picture doesn't he?

Just Beautiful!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

30,000 Eyes Are Watching You!

I was up at my mothers 5 acres in Umatilla yesterday and brought the camera just in case. I looked over the flowers - nah, the fruit - nah, all the birds, ducks, chickens, sheep, etc. - nah. Just nothing appealed to me for taking a picture of. Then just as we were about to leave there it was. Right next to the car was a skinny white stick supporting a thin frail plant. At the top of the stick was a dragonfly just sitting there. It's eyes moving back and forth just watching us. I kept moving in and got within inches without the dragonfly even budging. Wow, I really liked the colors in this one. I'm glad it stuck around.