Friday, April 8, 2011

Don't Forget To Look Behind You!

Today's photo comes from 2006 while I was in Wyoming. My sons and I were out Geocaching by the Grand Tetons along Hwy 26 near a little place called Brooks Lake. It was very beautiful up in that area and we had a fun time 4-wheeling up in the mountains. On the way back to our campsite, we had a great view of the sun setting behind the Grand Tetons. Sorry to say though that those pics didn't come out too well. I had forgotten my tripod and well...

Anyway, I had remembered a book that I had read about taking photos of sunsets. The author made the statement that very few photographers ever look behind them when faced with a sunset. And I must admit that I'm guilty of that most of the time! But on this occasion, I remembered! YEAH! Because the view behind me may have been even more spectacular than the sunset. I was still without the tripod and it's not as sharp as I wanted it, but here's the best I got:

So the next time you taking a picture of that sunset, don't forget to look behind you!

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