Thursday, March 31, 2011

What Do You See In The Clouds?

A few years back parked at a North Texas campground and having the place pretty much to ourselves, I was enjoying the blue skies with the few clouds. After a few moments of watching, relaxing and waiting for the sunset, I drifted back to childhood of just laying in the grass watching the clouds go by. These are just a couple of photos I took. So let's play the game shall we? What do you see in the clouds?

Above: How about a cat holding a microphone, raised high, singing away.

Above: a white hairy dog laying down looking up to the right.

Above: the upper cloud looks like a dragon. While you obviously can't tell from this photograph, the lower white cloud was actually drifting to the right faster than the darker cloud. Watching the two come together reminded me of the slow-motion films of 2 people running towards each other. Then the lower cloud missed and turned back looking towards the other.

So what do you see? Let me hear from you. Post a comment below.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Can I Quote You On That?

Today's photo comes from Galveston, TX. While on a visit there back in 2006, I was down by the pier. I looked down to see this huge pelican looking back up to me. Italian lingo suddenly popped into my head: "You Lookin' At Me?" Point, Click, and walked away. "Nope, not anymore." So what's this pelican saying to you?

Monday, March 28, 2011

Police Pulls Over Man in Wheel Chair

The police budgets are getting REALLY tight in this economy when they have resorted to pulling over people in wheel chairs. I wonder what the charges are? How about posting your "captions" in the comments section below. This could be fun!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

In The Garden Update: Week #2

Well it's been two weeks since I've posted my vegetable garden photo. It's coming along pretty good. The corn, cucumber, squash, and green beans are between 4 and 6 inches tall so far. The tomatoes, radish, and lettuce are just sprouting up along with the onions. Won't be long before we'll be eating. So let me hear about your garden...

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

A Humming Bird Caught in Flight

Caught this humming bird in flight by the feeder. If you've never seen one up close they are so cool. Real tiny and float around like a helicopter, suspended in place. It was kinda fun watching it for a while.

Monday, March 21, 2011

It's Spring Time

A quote from one of my favorite movies and a photo for the day: "In springtime, the only pretty ring time, birds sing hey ding, a-ding, a-ding. Sweet lovers love the spring." W. Wonka

I found this park while Geocaching outside the Scott County Library, in Eldridge Iowa last year while I was still truckin' across the country. It's called the Edna Skies Reading Park. I just wished I could have gotten the yellow to come out better in the top photo. I think from this angle to get the statue up against the sky like that, the flowers in the fore ground were in a shadow. Hmmm, don't remember for sure.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

In The Garden

Well I've started a garden! Dug up a 10 ft X 20 ft section and planted some corn, 2 types of tomatoes, cucumbers, squash, romaine lettuce, green beans, and 2 types of onion seeds. So far, all but the tomatoes and lettuce have broken the surface. We're looking forward to having some FRESH veggies soon!! I'll upload more pics as they grow! Stayed tuned...

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Oakland Car Show

Photos today are from the Oakland Presbyterian Car Show put on by the local Boy Scout troop. My favorite from the car show was this beautiful 1958 Chevrolet Corvette convertible. But I also couldn't pass up on the look of this Willy's with the big bad blower motor! Ever notice how you can see a face in the front of cars with the placement of the headlights and grille?

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Racing Season Starts in 2 Weeks!!

OK, so a flashback photo from the past. I took this photo at the 12 Hours of Sebring in 2006. The long awaited green flag drops in another 2 weeks for the opening of the American LeMans Series at the 2011 Mobil 1 Presents 12 Hours of Sebring!! While I don't think I'll be there the entire 4 days this year, We do hope to make it on raceday Saturday. There will certainly be some current photos to come. Stay tuned race fans...

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Flowers From Around The Yard

I took these photos from along the fence at the edge of our yard. Anyone know the real name for these? I just call them yellow flowers!